Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Day 32

Exercises are taking a bit longer to complete in the morning, so setting the alarm 5-10 mins earlier tomorrow.  Da Vincis getting much better and managed better skipping - for first half and then everything goes awry as my legs get more and more tired.....

Going to have an extra piece of fruit today.  Very hungry but getting through the evening dinner OK.

Day 31

Really hungry this morning but managed to do the exercises.  Floor jumps are just plain old evil and managed elevated chest dips.  Seem to be going through a rough patch with my skipping - perhaps extra exercises are making me a bit tired and so I'm losing co-ordination and therefore struggling to get rhythm going?  So depressing  when I managed to do 500 jumps without a problem on Saturday..... haven't changed technique - only thing that has changed has been the exercises, so that's what I'm going to blame for my lack of form on the skipping front.  Try again tomorrow.....

Monday, 29 August 2011

Day 30

Our children start school today so up half an hour earlier to get exercises done before preparing school lunches.... exercises went well but really can't do the chest dips!  Have to work on them as I've really enjoyed the strength I'm getting in my upper body - arms and shoulders.  Skipping not going too well at the moment and I think it has to do with my rope.  It gets tangled and have to constantly untangle it which means stopping and breaking the rhythm...... ho hum

Dinner is taking some getting used to.....

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Day 29

Good exercise but couldn't get rhythm with skipping which is very frustrating as it was stop start all the way. Think my rope gets very tangled - or it was today! - and had to stop to straighten it out.

Going to be hard with food but good to have a bit of a change.  Dinner is going to be interesting.....  chin up everyone!

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Day 28

Woke up with sore throat again today but no aches or shivers, so decided to have breakfast and do my exercises from yesterday as well as skipping before lunch.  Very warm here in Tokyo today so skipping outside was hard as it was very hot.  Struggled to get a rhythm going but at least managed to do 1300!  V-sits hard and really felt triceps working during the double katanas.

A month of PCP and a new week begins tomorrow......

Day 27

Just managed to do my skipping.  Throat still sore so won't push myself to do anymore for today.  Skipping went very well.  Despite being "under the weather," I managed 500 jumps in one go!  Hope this virus or whatever it is passes soon as children start back at school next Tuesday, I can concentrate more on PCP, without too many interruptions..... Glad I made an effort to do the skipping.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Day 27

Woke up with an extremely sore throat this morning and a bit of body aching, so, for the very first time since starting PCP, I'm not doing my exercises before breakfast!  Feels a bit weird but trying to be sensible and taking your advice, Patrick.  Can't even manage skipping at the moment, but hope to try to do at least that later on in the day.  Rather take it easy for a few days than put myself out for a week.  So, onwards and upwards......

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Day 26

Those leg creeps are evil!  Couldn't manage them in reps of 40 so did 20 reps and then had to have a break, with my thighs on fire!  Plank getting better and skipping going really well.

Am considering my little indulgence treat.  I love these granola and fruit bars, lightly toasted with a dollop of jam and a cup of tea, so think that I'll have one of these in the coming days.  Don't feel like it just yet, but nice to know that it's doable when I fancy it!  But, on the other hand, perhaps I'll just have a lovely piece of steak instead?......

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Day 25

Found new exercises VERY challenging today.  Great to have a bit of a change.  Woke up with a sore throat this morning so not sure if I'm coming down with something.... will keep up skipping though as really love it at the moment.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Day 24

Forgot to mention that I was "eaten" by some sort of insects when I took our children to football camp, so have been itching uncontrollably, but still managed to skip through it!

Day 24

Skipping went very well!  Managed 300 jumps without a break!  Plank difficult - holding for 30 seconds - but great to do something different for core strength.  Getting used to portion size in the evening, so no more complaints!!!

Day 23

Struggled with lunges today. As the sets increase, one can feel a difference in exercise output!  Really struggling with dinner portion of protein and not getting on with extra egg white mid morning snack, so will cut it out from tomorrow.  Rather not have it as feel full in the mornings but struggle at night time.  Nevermind, just have to keep focused and soldier on!

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Day 22

Found exercises tough this morning but have new resistance bands so that'll explain why!  Skipping a killer, too, but worked hard to go up to 200 reps without stopping which made it much better to deal with higher set number.

Excited to get an egg white in the morning! Yippee!

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Day 21

Back from Shimoda and have now done yesterday's exercise as well as skipping for today. Wow!  Great adrenalin to get 200 jumps without stopping!  Enjoyed having soya this week - had yoghurt instead of milk - and felt MUCH better!

Looking forward to new week of eating and exercising.  Can feel the intensity increasing on exercise front.

Thursday, 18 August 2011


Woke up a bit later - was lovely to get some more sleep.  Have felt very tired.  Exercise went well but not getting on well  with da vincis - was using a cable machine for the resistance but my shoulders aren't strong enough yet, so just used a pair of dumb bells.  Much better as could then complete the reps and sets, feeling the burn - have to be careful as hard a minor procedure to remove a lump in my elbow joint about 6 months ago, so don't want to aggrevate the injury while it heals.

We're off to Shimoda soon.  Going to be interesting to see how we get on with food whilst we're away.  Apparently there is lots of fresh fish given it's a sea side resort, so it should be fine and lots of fun!

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Day 18

Loved exercise this morning but still working hard with forward shoulder raises.  They're tough but key is to keep at it and not give up - seems to be getting better as shoulders get stronger.  Glad to be home bound for lunch today so that I can have proper proportions and decent food!  We're off to Shimoda (beach) for weekend tomorrow so looking forward to some sea air as it's extremely hot here in Tokyo.  Packing our skipping ropes so that we can keep up with that at least!

Day 17

Rubbish day today regarding eating.  Was out to lunch at a Burger place -not my choice - and there was literally nothing to have except a burger & chips (burger  look great ) so I ended up having some avocado salad which had a very sweet dressing on it - didn't realise until I tucked into it!  And have been out all afternoon getting our children's school uniforms sorted etc etc, so got home at 4pm, in a ratty mood, very, very hungry, so had my lunch carbs in the form of bread with a cup of tea and my mid afternoon piece of fruit. Feel much better on the mood front now, but going to have a packed lunch if I'm out again although this is hard to take into a restaurant.......

Ho hum, chin up and start again tomorrow - or rather at dinner tonight!!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Day 17

Can't move a muscle now.  Shoulders on fire after all exercises and skipping!  What a way to start the day, - gets the blood pumping - but it does hurt!  Couldn't weigh in yesterday but going to keep motivation up having watched both videos from Patrick.  He answered all our questions and I feel a renewed sense of enthusiasm for the training and diet program!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Day 16

Good exercise although did struggle with skipping again.  So hot here in Tokyo that even at 6:45am it can feel too hot to skip outside - we skip on a balcony outside our family room.  No carbs last night was difficult.  Looked at portion of protein - we had salmon - and veg and then wondered where the "mains" were......  Have to get used to it, though.  Going to have a weigh in for motivation......

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Day 15

I'm getting over the feeling of being hungry at night time and managed 9 hours sleep for the first time in a very long time - have 2 young children just doesn't permit this luxury often - so have a renewed sense of enthusiasm this morning. Exercise going very well - love doing it first thing in the morning - but still struggling with davincis, although incline pull ups getting bit better.

Food - no carbs at dinner time.  Hmm.  Have to see how I get on......

Friday, 12 August 2011

Day 13

Excellent exercise today.  Skipping a revelation -  good rhythm until I get a bit tired.....
Simon and I had a delicious fresh tomato, basil and balsamic vinegar salad instead of steamed veg and it made a lovely change!

Thursday, 11 August 2011


Struggled with davincis and incline pull up this morning.  Having problems with alarm so woke up 15 mins later with a start! Looking forward to lunch today as we poached some salmon for dinner last night and have some left over for lunch.  Just simply poached - if it's in a non-stick pan, it releases it's own natural oils so no need to add water.  Delicious!

Day 11

absolutely great advice from Patrick.  I'm exhausted and going to make an effort to sleep for longer - hard with 2 young children - but, given it's officially part of our training at PCP, I'm going to try my hardest to get more sleep!!

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Day 11

Struggled with skipping today - just couldn't get a rhythm going.  Also, those forward shoulder raises are amazing once you can do them properly.  Just not very good at them at the moment.  Ready for my breakfast!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Day 10

Up at 5:15am to get exercise done.  Much better approach - feel top of the morning!  Struggling with inclinations and da vincis.....

Day 9

Have to exercise first thing in the morning, because if I don't, it's so hard to fit in later on in the  day....

Day 9

It has been a manic week, with sorting out immigration papers, bank cards etc so haven't had the chance to blog....
Exercise going well, loving the jump ropes but legs do hurt a bit from squats and lunges....
Struggling with food -  a few dizzy spells - it is VERY hot and humid here in Tokyo - so trying to cut down a bit on extra activities which is hard with 2 young children on summer vacation.....

Going to stick to it though, as hoping to be able to see some results after the 90 days.....

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Day 3

Exercise going very well - especially enjoying the skipping - haven't skipped since my school days some many, many years ago.....  Food reduction going well, too.  Just relocated from London so our air freight arrived today and was busy running around unpacking, so only managed some brown rice and a boiled egg!

Looking forward to getting diet sheets with guidance on portion sizes in the weeks to come.

Hope all is going well with you?