Friday 28 October 2011

Day 90

So, the day has come.  William was selected to play football for his school in a tournament this morning so we were up early to get him ready and drop him off. Simon rightly guessed what Patrick had up his sleeve. So, we choose Day 11 workout - I had been missing the lunges.  It was AMAZING to see how far we have all come.  600  jumps - 5 mins - and I hadn't even broken out into a  sweat.  Anyway, we did the routine and added 8 mins Abs and took lots of photos.  I felt a huge sense of achievement and I'm going to put that bikini back on to see just how big it is for me now.  We have a tailor coming over later on today to take all our clothes to alter - those he can - otherwise, it's shopping time!

Our medicals went really well  yesterday and I have excellent news to report.  In my medical this time last year, I weighed 59.7kgs.  This  morning, I'm 52kgs (8 stone 3 oz). My body fat last in my medical last year was 32.4% in the obese catergory and, I am DELIGHTED to report that today, it is 20.7% - I actually fall into the Athlete category!  Hooray and Hooray!  I am SO very pleased with myself!  I never ever thought that I could get my fat down to such a level and most importantly, I feel on top of the world! Hooray!

Looking forward to the maintenance program / tips but for today, yes, going to relax and enjoy the sunny day in Tokyo and Simon is cooking tonight and we have THAT bottle of wine to look forward to.  And then, 10 hours of sleep tonight!

Congratulations everyone!

Thursday 27 October 2011

Day 89

Simon and I have full medical examinations booked for today.  We have them done annually and thought it would be a good idea to do them just as we finish PCP.  The comparative analysis is going to be very interesting.  I feel on top of the world and sprang out of bed this morning, ready to get on with those super sets.  They were so tough - da vincis followed by forward shoulder raises, but I am now using the next level resistance band and loved them! Managed 2 lots of plank again but did 8 mins Abs and V-sits were great - first failure was at 50 reps!

 No breakfast this morning as we are fasting for our blood and cholesterol tests, so managed another 4000 skips in 40 mins!  Wow!  Really struggling without breakfast but going to examination soon so have to just hang in there.  Simon is treating us to lunch at Nobu - I'm excited to go as everyone who has been is going on about their bento box......

As I got ready this morning, I commented to Simon how lovely it is to have our clothes fit properly.  I just realised that some of them were actually quite snug fitting and now, with toned shoulders and Abs, everything feels comfortable and that gives one a confidence boost and so one walks taller!

Got to go now or I'll be late for my appointment, but just want to say that I've been exercising for over 20 years now and PCP has been the best thing I have ever done in terms of exercise and diet!  Thank you Patrick - and Ren for sharing PCP with us!

Hope you are all keeping strong.  One more day to go and can't wait for Patrick's surprise tomorrow!  Gambatte!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Day 88

Oops, forgot to say that, I, too, am intrigued to see what Patrick has under his sleeve for us for Saturday. Bring it on, Patrick!

Day 88

Jumped out of bed as alarm went off. Wanted to get on with those super sets and was concerned I wouldn't have time to finish workout.  Great to get the blood pumping at 5am and enjoyed the super set exercises but plank continues to be a struggle so only managed 2 sets to failure - 90mins and then 70 mins - but then decided to do 8 mins Abs, too which went well.

Absolutely loved the skipping - another 4000 in 45 mins this time but then managed another 30 mins session after my Japanese lesson.  Feel on top of the world! I will actually miss PCP next week, but I shall definitely continue the good habits and fitness regime, as I'm now having the time of my life as I sprint towards the end!

Well done everyone!

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Day 87

Woke up another 10 mins earlier today to get all exercises done. 4:50am!  That's commitment!  To make matters slightly more tricky, William came into our  room around 4am having had a bad dream, so I consoled him and took him back to his bedroom so, I had just managed to drop off to sleep again when the alarm went off.  Anyway, glad I made the effort to wake up so early as managed to get all exercises done and feel really encouraged as, for once, I managed the da vincis!  Yippee!  Shoulders were on fire after the super set.  Loved Abs work - managed one lot of 50 reps V-sits!  Was going to incorporate some 8 mins Abs but was keen to get onto the skipping as really loved it and managed to do 4000 in 40 mins!!  Really pleased with myself as the skipping has really helped to move that stubborn fat I seem to store on my hips!  For the very first time ever, I can actually SEE the difference the skipping is making so, I'm not going to worry about what the scales say too much from now on!  Feel really positive today.  Sun is shining again in Tokyo and I'm spending the day with our relocation lady, as she is helping me locate a hairdresser and nail bar etc, etc.

Hope you all have a good day and keep going!

Monday 24 October 2011

Day 86

Woke up 5 mins before the alarm clock went off this morning so decided to get up and get on rather than just lying in bed.....  enjoyed the sets but plank and V-sit combo is just evil!  My core has definitely strengthened but doing these 2 exercises to failure is just painful.  I was shaking and sweating and glad to go and get skipping afterwards.

Loved the skipping and wanted to do more but just ran out of time.  Breakfasts and school lunches had to get done.  The intention was to be able to fit another skipping session in at some point during the day, but it is not looking possible now.  So hard to fit it all into the day. Still I guess the good intention is there and that must count for something post PCP, I hope?

Can't keep my eyes open much longer after 9:30/10pm but this way, I can actually get up at 5am to do exercises.  End is in sight now, so have to remain focused.  Come on everyone - you can do it!

Day 85

5am start is getting to me but it's the only way I can fit exercise in so have to get to bed early!  Exhausted today - was going to try an extra skipping session - but no chance of that!  Busy, busy, busy.  Feel a bit fed up but think it's just because I'm tired.  Food is good, skipping is good but had a peak - perhaps silly idea? - at exercises towards end of the week and they are just pure EVIL!  Goodness knows how I'm going to get through them all, but I'm definitely going to give it my all.

Simon and I have booked full medical examinations for Friday.  We'll have to fast from 10pm on Thursday night until our appointments which are at 10:30am Friday morning - those are the earliest and first ones. Aargh!  Going to be tough morning - only allowed water - but then we're going to lunch - PCP compliant, of course! - and then looking forward to the weekend.

I'm intrigued to see my report as, if I'm honest with myself, I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't manage to lose more weight.  There does come a point of acceptance of one's body type and shape and I know that I've done all I possibly can by sticking to the program as rigidly as possible.  I keep on saying to myself as though it were a mantra, that it's not necessarily the weight loss that matters, but, like Junko, it is hard to see the weight drop off the guys - Simon, Graeme - and not off of us!!  Perhaps my target weight of 50kgs was an unrealistic one?  Anyway, I'm going to concentrate on the medical results, fat %, cholesterol etc, etc.

Hope you are all coping well this last week.  Good luck everyone!