Monday, 24 October 2011

Day 86

Woke up 5 mins before the alarm clock went off this morning so decided to get up and get on rather than just lying in bed.....  enjoyed the sets but plank and V-sit combo is just evil!  My core has definitely strengthened but doing these 2 exercises to failure is just painful.  I was shaking and sweating and glad to go and get skipping afterwards.

Loved the skipping and wanted to do more but just ran out of time.  Breakfasts and school lunches had to get done.  The intention was to be able to fit another skipping session in at some point during the day, but it is not looking possible now.  So hard to fit it all into the day. Still I guess the good intention is there and that must count for something post PCP, I hope?

Can't keep my eyes open much longer after 9:30/10pm but this way, I can actually get up at 5am to do exercises.  End is in sight now, so have to remain focused.  Come on everyone - you can do it!

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