Thursday, 27 October 2011

Day 89

Simon and I have full medical examinations booked for today.  We have them done annually and thought it would be a good idea to do them just as we finish PCP.  The comparative analysis is going to be very interesting.  I feel on top of the world and sprang out of bed this morning, ready to get on with those super sets.  They were so tough - da vincis followed by forward shoulder raises, but I am now using the next level resistance band and loved them! Managed 2 lots of plank again but did 8 mins Abs and V-sits were great - first failure was at 50 reps!

 No breakfast this morning as we are fasting for our blood and cholesterol tests, so managed another 4000 skips in 40 mins!  Wow!  Really struggling without breakfast but going to examination soon so have to just hang in there.  Simon is treating us to lunch at Nobu - I'm excited to go as everyone who has been is going on about their bento box......

As I got ready this morning, I commented to Simon how lovely it is to have our clothes fit properly.  I just realised that some of them were actually quite snug fitting and now, with toned shoulders and Abs, everything feels comfortable and that gives one a confidence boost and so one walks taller!

Got to go now or I'll be late for my appointment, but just want to say that I've been exercising for over 20 years now and PCP has been the best thing I have ever done in terms of exercise and diet!  Thank you Patrick - and Ren for sharing PCP with us!

Hope you are all keeping strong.  One more day to go and can't wait for Patrick's surprise tomorrow!  Gambatte!

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